Decking Kit Suppliers

Decking Kit suppliers, Concept Kits are created from high-quality steel and customised to fit any deck size or shape, making it a versatile option for any deck building project.

Steel is non-combustible, durable, strong, and resistant to rot, warping, and insect damage.

Additionally, steel frames require minimal maintenance and can last for decades, making it a smart long-term investment for your decking solutions. Steel frames are easy to install, and they’re uniformity ensures a consistent level and squareness, resulting in a level deck surface that is beautiful and admired.

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Why use Steel Framing for Decking ?

Concept Kits supply Metal Framing Decks, Steel-framed decking systems.

Our decking kits offer several advantages over traditional wooden decks, including increased durability, strength, and longevity.

Here are some key features and benefits of steel framed decks;

  1. Strength and Durability: Steel is a highly durable and robust material, providing excellent structural support for decking. Steel frame decks can withstand heavy loads, including large gatherings of people and furniture, without sagging or warping.
  2. Longevity: Unlike wooden decks, steel frame decks are not susceptible to issues such as rotting, insect damage, or decay. They can withstand harsh weather conditions, including exposure to moisture, sunlight, and temperature fluctuations, without significant degradation. This results in a longer lifespan for the deck, reducing maintenance and replacement costs over time.
  3. Versatility: Steel frame decks offer design flexibility and can be customized to fit various shapes, sizes, and configurations. They can accommodate multi-level decks, and other intricate designs. Steel framing also allows for longer spans between support posts, enabling open and spacious deck layouts.
  4. Fire Resistance: Steel is a non-combustible material, providing inherent fire resistance to the deck structure. This feature enhances safety and reduces the risk of fire-related accidents compared to wooden decks.
  5. Sustainability: Steel is a recyclable material, making steel frame decks an environmentally friendly option. Using recycled steel for the framing can further reduce the carbon footprint associated with deck construction.
  6. Easy Installation: Steel frame decks often utilize prefabricated components that are designed for straightforward and efficient installation. The lightweight nature of steel makes handling and positioning the framing elements easier compared to heavy wooden beams.
  7. Reduced Maintenance: Steel frame decks require minimal maintenance compared to traditional wooden decks. They do not require staining, sealing, or painting. Periodic inspections for signs of corrosion or damage and applying protective coatings when needed are typically sufficient to maintain the deck’s integrity.

It’s worth noting that steel frame decks are often combined with other decking materials, such as wood, composite decking boards, or other suitable surface materials, to provide an attractive and comfortable walking surface. The steel framing remains hidden beneath the decking surface while providing structural support.

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